Low Emission Zone (LEZ)
As of 2012, the emissions requirements for goods vehicles entering London were improved beyond the standard of the the UK generally. Since then they have been adjusted further, meaning that our fleet are some of the cleanest running trucks in the world today.
FORS Compliance
The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is an accreditation scheme. It aims to improve fleet activity throughout London, the UK and beyond with a raft of vehicle improvements, measures, mitigations and training modules to improve safety and efficiency.
Our entire operation including training, processes, environmental management and vehicle selection are audited regularly by independent assessors. This means that customers, employees and stakeholder bodies alike can be assured they will be dealing with a professional organisation.
After gaining entry level BRONZE in 2014, we have built on this achievement and obtained SILVER in 2016.
Between 2008 and 2013, 55 per cent of cyclist fatalities in London involved a heavy goods vehicle. A disproportionate number of these were construction vehicles. In 2012 Transport for London commissioned an independent review of the construction sector’s transport activities to understand the causes of these collisions and how they might be prevented.
The resulting ‘Construction Logistics and Cyclist Safety’ (CLOCS) report was published in February 2013 by Transport Research Laboratory. Based on the findings of that report & along with our many partners in the FORS scheme, our drivers receive high levels of training to CLOCS & SUD’s (Safe Urban Driving) standards.