RNESC Network Rail – River Trent flood Protection
Robert Nicholas Limited called on a Friday lunchtime in January, with a serious problem. Here’s what happened in his own words….
‘We had an emergency request from Network Rail to provide 120m of flood defence barrier to protect a main line viaduct being subsided by flood waters from the River Trent. The quick response that followed was only possible due to Southdown Engineers ability to safely deliver the equipment to the remote site at short notice. The professionalism of their drivers and the co-ordination of their office staff enabled an operation that saw the flood barrier installed and the flood water pumped away in less than 24hrs of the emergency call. This is a great example of why we will continue to use Southdown Truck and Crane, we can always trust them to deliver valuable equipment, on time, regardless of the conditions.’
Robert Thallon, DIRECTOR

Kit arriving on site.

The site before pumping – with RN barrier system in place

A few hours later… flood water cleared & site made safe!